“One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.”
Eiler DR, Wimberly BT, Bilodeau DY, Taliaferro JM, Reigan P, Rissland OS+, Kieft JS+. "The Giardia lamblia ribosome structure reveals divergence in several biological pathways and the mode of emetine function." Structure. 32(4):400-410.e4. 2024.
Preview: Querido JB. “A glimpse into Giardia lamblia unique translational machinery.” Structure. 32(4): 377-379. 2024.
Previously on bioRxiv: “The Giardia lamblia structure reveals divergence in translation and quality control pathways.” 2020.
Barrington CL, Galindo G, Koch AL, Horton ER, Morrison EJ, Tisa S, Stasevich TJ, Rissland OS. "Synonymous codon usage regulates translation initiation." Cell Reports. 42(12):113413. 2023.
Previously on bioRxiv: "Synonymous codon usage regulates translation initiation." 2022.
Mansouri-Noori F, Pircher A, Bilodeau D, Siniavskaia L, Grigull J, Rissland OS, Bayfield MA. "The LARP1 homolog Slr1p controls the stability and expression of proto-5'TOP mRNAs in fission yeast." Cell Reports. 42(10):113226. 2023.
Briney CA, Rissland OS. "Planes, trains, and automobiles: How cells localize their molecules." Mol Cell. 83(15):2618-2620. 2023.
Rodrigues DC, Mufteev M, Yuki KE, Narula A, Wei W, Piekna A, Liu J, Pasceri P, Rissland OS, Wilson MD, Ellis J. "Buffering of transcription rate by mRNA half-life is a conserved feature of Rett syndrome models." Nature Communications. 2023 Apr 5;14(1):1896.
Previously on bioRxiv: “Buffering of transcription rate by mRNA half-life is a conserved feature of Rett syndrome models.” 2021.
Mufteev M, Rodrigues DC, Yuki KE, Narula A, Wei W, Piekna A, Liu J, Pasceri P, Rissland OS, Wilson MD, Ellis J. "Transcriptional buffering and 3'UTR lengthening are shaped during human neurodevelopment by shifts in mRNA stability and microRNA load." bioRxiv. 2023.
Riemondy K*, Henriksen JC, Rissland OS*. "Intron dynamics reveal principles of gene regulation during the maternal-to-zygotic transition. RNA. 29(5):596-608. 2023.
Previously on bioRxiv: “Intron dynamics reveal principles of gene regulation during the maternal-to-zygotic transition.” 2021.
Wade KJ, Tisa S, Barrington C, Henriksen JC, Crooks KR, Gignoux CR, Almand AT, Steel JJ, Sitko JC, Rohrer JW, Wickert DP, Almand EA, Pollock DD*, Rissland OS*. "Phylodynamics of a regional SARS-CoV-2 rapid spreading event in Colorado in late 2020." PLoS One. 17(10):e0274050. 2022
Previously on medRxiv: “Phylodynamics Of A Regional, Sars-Cov-2 Rapid Spreading Event In Colorado.” 2021.
Rissland OS. "Principles of mRNA destruction." Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 23(9): 582. 2022.
Bilodeau DY, Sheridan RM, Balan B, Jex AR, Rissland OS. "Precise gene models using long-read sequencing reveal a unique poly(A) signal in Giardia lamblia." RNA. 28(5): 668-682. 2022.
Previously on bioRxiv: “Precise gene models using long-read sequencing reveal a unique poly(A) signal in Giardia lamblia.” 2021.
Martin Krause, Andrew Henderson, Daniel Griner, Olivia S. Rissland, Jeremy Beard, and Karsten Bartels. “A state-wide voluntary movement addressing the shortage of medical supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Am J Public Health. Am J Public Health. 111(9):1595-1599. 2021.
Olivia S. Rissland. “News and Views: dynamics of RNA–protein binding probed in cells.” Nature, 591 (7858): 39–40. 2021.
Daniel R. Eiler, Brian T. Wimberly, Danielle Y. Bilodeau, Olivia S. Rissland+, and Jeffrey S. Kieft+. “The Giardia lamblia structure reveals divergence in translation and quality control pathways.” bioRxiv. 2020.
Michael Zavortink*, Lauren N Rutt*, Svetlana Dzitoyeva*. Jesslyn Henriksen, Chloe Barrington, Danielle Y Bilodeau, Miranda Wang, Xiao Xiao Lily Chen, and Olivia S. Rissland. “The E2 Marie Kondo and the CTLH E3 ligase clear deposited RNA binding proteins during the maternal-to-zygotic transition.” eLife. 2020.
eLife digest: “An enzyme that sparks joy”
Previously on bioRxiv: “Egg activation triggers clearance of maternally deposited RNA binding proteins.” bioRxiv. 2019.
Rissland OS. “Big insights into small RNAs.” Biochemistry. 59(16):1551-1552. 2020.
Ashrut Narula, James Ellis, J. Matthew Taliaferro, and Olivia S. Rissland. “Coding regions affect mRNA stability in human cells.” RNA. 2019. 25(12):1751-1764.
Suja Jagannathan, Srinivas Ramachandran, and Olivia S. Rissland. “Slow down to catch up.” Cell. 178 (4): 774-776. 2019.
Quetin Vicens, Jeffrey S. Kieft, and Olivia S. Rissland*. “Revisiting the closed loop model and the nature of mRNA 5’–3’ communication.” Molecular Cell. 72 (5): 805–812. 2018.
Srivathsan Adivarahan, Nathan Livingston, Beth Nicholson, Samir Rahman, Bin Wu, Olivia S. Rissland, and Daniel Zenklusen. “Spatial organization of single mRNPs at different stages along the gene expression pathway.” Molecular Cell. 72 (4): 727–738. 2018.
Featured in “Re-viewing the 3D organization of mRNPs” by G. Pierron and D. Weil, Molecular Cell, 72 (4): P603–P605.
Andrew Lugowski*, Beth Nicholson*, and Olivia S. Rissland. “DRUID: A pipeline for transcriptome-wide measurements of mRNA stability.” RNA. 24 (5): 623–632. 2018.
Andrew Lugowski*, Beth Nicholson*, and Olivia S. Rissland. “Determining mRNA half-lives on a transcriptome-wide scale.” Methods. 137: 90–98. 2018.
Olivia S Rissland, Alexander O Subtelny, Miranda Wang, Andrew Lugowski, Beth Nicholson, John D Laver, Sachdev S. Sidhu, Craig A. Smibert, Howard D. Lipshitz, David P Bartel. "The influence of microRNAs and poly(A) tail length on endogenous mRNA-protein complexes." Genome Biology. 18 (1): 211. 2017.
Miranda Wang*, Michael Ly*, Andrew Lugowski, John D Laver, Howard D Lipshitz, Craig A Smibert, Olivia S Rissland. "ME31B globally represses maternal mRNAs by two distinct mechanisms during the Drosophila maternal-to-zygotic transition." eLife. 6: 233. 2017.
Olivia S. Rissland. "The organization and regulation of mRNA-protein complexes." WIREs RNA. 2016.
Hong Na*, John D. Laver*, Jouhyun Jeon, Fateh Singh, Kristin Ancevicius, Yujie Fan, Wen Xi Cao, Kun Nie, Zhenglin Yang, Hua Luo, Miranda Wang, Olivia S. Rissland, J. Timothy Westwood, Philip M. Kim, Craig A. Smibert, Howard D. Lipshitz, Sachdev S. Sidhu. “A high-throughput pipeline for production of synthetic antibodies for analysis of ribonucleoprotein complexes.” RNA. 22: 1-20. 2016.
Traver Hart, Megha Chandrashekhar, Michael Aregger, Zachary Steinhart, Kevin R. Brown, Graham MacLeod, Monika Mis, Michal Zimmermann, Amelie Fradet-Turcotte, Song Sun, Peter Dirks, Sachdev Sidhu, Frederick P. Roth, Olivia S. Rissland, Daniel Durocher, Stephane Angers, and Jason Moffat. “High-resolution CRISPR screens reveal fitness genes and genotype-specific cancer liabilities.” Cell. 163 (6): 1515-26. 2015.
Olivia S. Rissland. “Tailoring microRNA function: the role of uridylation in antagonizing mirtron expression.” Molecular Cell. 59 (2): 141-3. 2015.
Jin-wu Nam*, Olivia S. Rissland*, Calvin Jan, David Koppstein, Cei Abreu-Goodger, Vikram Agarwal, Muhammed A. Yildirim, Antony Rodriguez and David P. Bartel. “Global analyses of the effect of different cellular contexts on microRNA targeting.” Molecular Cell. 53 (6): 1031-1043. 2014.
Luke A. Yates, Sophie Fleurdépine, Olivia S. Rissland, Luigi De Colibus, Karl Harlos, Chris J. Norbury and Robert J. C. Gilbert. “Structural Basis for the Activity of a Cytoplasmic RNA Terminal Uridylyl Transferase.” Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 19: 782-787. 2012.
Olivia S. Rissland, Sue-Jean Hong and David P. Bartel. “MicroRNA Destabilization Enables Dynamic Regulation of the miR-16 Family in Response to Cell Cycle Changes.” Molecular Cell. 43 (6): 993-1004. 2011.
Michael Schnall-Levin*, Olivia S. Rissland*, Wendy Johnston, Norbert Perrimon, David P. Bartel and Bonnie Berger. “Unusually Effective MicroRNA Targeting within Repeat-Rich Coding Regions of Mammalian mRNAs.” Genome Research. 21 (9): 1395-403. 2011.
Featured on the cover of that month’s issue of Genome Research and highlighted in Nature Reviews Genetics: M. Muers, “Small RNA: Coding repeats coordinate repression.” Nat. Rev. Genet. 12, 519 (2011).
Olivia S. Rissland and Eric C. Lai. “RNA Silencing in Monterey.” Development. 138 (15): 3093-102. 2011.
Olivia S. Rissland and Christopher J. Norbury. “Decapping is preceded by 3' uridylation in a novel pathway of bulk mRNA turnover.” Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 16: 616-623. 2009.
Article of the month and highlighted in Nature Structural Molecular Biology: W. Marzluff, “A new way to initiate mRNA degradation.” Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 16, 613-614 (2009).
Olivia S. Rissland and Christopher J. Norbury. “The Cid1 Poly(U) Polymerase.” Biochemica et Biophysica Acta: Gene Structure and Expression: Special Issue. 1779 (4): 286-94. 2008.
Olivia S. Rissland, Andrea Mikulasova and Christopher J. Norbury. “Efficient RNA Polyuridylation by Noncanonical Poly(A) Polymerases.” Molecular and Cellular Biology. 27 (10): 3612-24. 2007.